I would have to say that Jack Nicklaus is my favorite golfer of all time. He has the most majors but more importantly he is a wonderful person and family man. I decided to get all of his major programs and then work on getting them all signed. This has been a 20-year process of looking for the programs and then trying to get to Mr. Nicklaus to get them signed.

This is Mr Nicklaus 1st major the 1959 US Amateur. If you ask Mr Nicklaus how many Majors he has won he would say I won 20 Majors and 18 Professional Majors. This program is very hard to find and usually costs around $500 unsigned. I asked Mr Nicklaus to add 1st Major to his autograph.

Another 59 US Amateur program It’s a beautiful program

1961 US Amateur program signed by Mr Nicklaus. I would say this program is the most difficult to find. I have only 3 copies of this program after looking for 20 years. Usually cost around $300-500 unisgned

1962 US Open at Oakmont Mr Nicklaus 1st Professional Major This program sells for $100-200 unsigned

I had Mr. Palmer and Mr. Nicklaus sign this program as this US Open happened in Mr. Palmer’s backyard and it was a playoff for the championship between the 2 of them.

Player Pins from 19 of Jack Nicklaus’s 20 Majors. I am only missing the 1965 Masters Players pin. It’s taken me a long time and a good amount of money to put this collection together.