Ralph Guldahl passed away in 1987 and his autograph is fairly rare. He had an interesting career, he won 2 US Opens and the Masters in 1939 and he decided to write a golf swing book he overanalyzed his swing which hurt and ended his career. Mr Guldahl came out with a book called Tee To Cup and several of the copies were signed but they were secretarial signed and are not authentic Guldahl autographs.

A handwritten letter from Mr. Guldahl where he mentions his Major golf accomplishments.

A very nicely signed and filled-out Cherry Hills scorecard filled on entirely by the 1938 US Open Champion Ralph Guldahl. I wonder if he filled this out from memory. I guess that he did!

A very nice note where Mr. Guldahl talked about his greatest satisfaction was finally winning the 1939 Masters.

This signed image is from a program signed in 1944

A few index cards signed by Mr Guladhl

Interesting form where Mr. Guldahl fills out a lot of personal information.

An album page signed at the Masters.