Jack Nicklaus is considered by most to be the greatest golfer of all time. He at least has the greatest golf career. Tiger might have been better at times but Nicklaus did have the greatest career. He is also a wonderful person, very good to fans, and a wonderful family man. In my 30 years of attending golf tournaments etc I have seen or asked for an autograph from Mr. Nicklaus at least 150 plus times.

This is an interesting index card where someone wrote Mr. Nicklaus in 1961 and asked him what his greatest thrill in golf was this is what his reply was. I asked Mr. Nicklaus to sign it at the 2016 Father-Son tournament. Interesting he didn’t sign it in 1961.

Over the years I have gotten to know Mr. Nicklaus but really Mrs Nicklaus and I have given them interesting items to put in the Nicklaus Museum. When I’ve found something very interesting I present it to Mr. and Mrs. Nicklaus and they say they would love to add it to the Museum and Mrs. Nickalus will say “Now Dustin, Please write down your address so we can properly thank you!” This is a note from Mrs. Nicklaus. I love them both!!.